Usage of CaseIterable in Swift Enum
Last Run on XCODE 11.6 / Swift 5.2
CaseIterable is a protocol in Swift, that typically lets an enumeration to provide all of its cases as a collection.
Lets look at a simple example from my RoadRage car game. This is an enum type called TrafficType listing the cases of traffic/obstacle Sprites generated in my RoadRage car game.
enum TrafficType: UInt32 {
case Police
case Ambulance
case FireTruck
case Van
case SportsCar
case Taxi
In my game I would like to find out the total count of the TrafficType entities. I would also like the ability to randomly pick a traffic object from the list to keep generating obstacles during the game loop. And to achive that is as simple as conforming to the CaseIterable protocol in the enum.
Conforming to CaseIterable
enum TrafficType: UInt32, CaseIterable {
case Police
case Ambulance
case FireTruck
case Van
case SportsCar
case Taxi
As you can see, it was as simple as adding the keyword “CaseIterable” to the enum. The swift compiler will automatically synthesize all the cases in an appropriately named collections variable “allCases”.
// Total Traffic Type Entities
// Traffic Entity at a specific index.
// Iterating through each of the TrafficType entities.
for traffic in TrafficType.allCases {